
Four Year Plan

This Four Year Plan consists of a total of 130 credit hours:


FALL - Total of 16/17 credits

  • First-Year Seminar (4)
  • EN 121 Writing & IC 102 or CO 101 Speech (4/5)
  • BI 107 Human Biology or BI 110 Biological Investigations (4)
  • PS 101 Intro to Psychology or a Language (4)

SPRING - Total of 16/17 credits

  • EN 121 Writing & IC 102 or CO 101 Speech (4/5)
  • BI 245 Microbiology (4)
  • CH 103 Chemistry (4)
  • PS 101 Intro to Psychology or a Language (4)

FALL - Total of 15 credits

  • BI 315 Anatomy & Physiology I (4)
  • NU 254 Foundations of Nursing I (5)
  • BI 215 Medical Terminology (2)
  • SO 218 Social Problems or PS 276 Lifespan Development (4)

SPRING - Total of 15 credits

  • BI 316 Anatomy & Physiology II (4)
  • NU/GB 270 Serving Populations or other Cultures & Worldview class (if completed 101-level language or higher) (4)
  • NU 255 Foundations of Nursing II (7)

FALL - Total of 18 credits

  • SO 218 Social Problems or PS 276 Lifespan Development (4)
  • NU 311 Pharmacology I (3)
  • NU 336 Adult & Geriatric Nursing (7)
  • Statistics or Creative Expressions (4)

SPRING - Total of 18 credits

  • NU/PH 350 Biomedical Ethics (4)
  • NU 312 Pharmacology II (2)
  • NU 338 High Acuity Nursing (7)
  • Statistics or Creative Expressions (4)

FALL - Total of 16 credits

  • NU 400 Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice (3)
  • NU 426 Maternal/Child Nursing (7)
  • NU 432 Mental Health Nursing (6)

SPRING - Total of 14 credits

  • NU 428 Public, Community & Population Health Nursing (6)
  • NU 450 Leadership & Health Policy in Nursing (6)
  • NU 460 Nursing Transitions (2)