
Faculty Chairs & Research

To attract and retain quality professors, 51³ΙΘΛ must significantly invest in its faculty through faculty endowments. The caliber of our faculty – many of whom are leaders in their respective disciplines – is critical to the quality of the education that we provide students and that, in turn, provides them entry to successful careers.

  • A fully endowed named Faculty Chair ($1,500,000) generates approximately $75,000 in annual earnings, enabling 51³ΙΘΛ to successfully recruit faculty members who have established a national reputation in their area of expertise. Endowment income will supplement the salary and annual professional spending to support the research, teaching and professional development.
  • A fully endowed Faculty Professional Development Fund ($500,000) will provide approximately $25,000 each year in support to enhance faculty professional development and research opportunities for teacher-scholars at all stages in their careers. 
  • A fully endowed Faculty Research Fund ($250,000) will support one or more faculty research initiatives deemed most worthy by the College with an annual endowment income of $12,500.

Endowed Investment Opportunities for Faculty Support
Faculty Chair - $1,500,000
Faculty Professional Development Fund - $500,000
Faculty Research Fund - $250,000